[討論] 電影中的名句

看板StarWars (星際大戰)作者 (蘭斯洛特)時間16年前 (2008/10/16 23:00), 編輯推噓50(50057)
留言107則, 40人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
日子過的蠻無聊的 大家來個腦力激盪吧 順便回味一下電影中的情結 各位星戰迷一起來發表你認為是影片中的名句或稱得上是金玉良言的台詞 由我先開始  例如:I am your father(其實在重看過第5集n遍後     遍後我並不覺得有多震撼)    May the force be with you(不可像我回這種爛梗)     其中讓我印象最深刻的是第5集  當Luke到Dagaboh對Yoda說:I am looking for a great warrior. 這位大家的little green oid friend回道:"War doesn't make one great." 可見他早已厭倦戰爭的叨擾 但更一語道破一般人對英雄的sterotype 令人會心一笑的是句中還帶有某種程度的幽默 好了 該換各位表現啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/16 23:05, , 1F
10/16 23:05, 1F

10/16 23:05, , 2F
10/16 23:05, 2F

10/16 23:05, , 3F
"You are the chosen one!" 我聽的時候有感受到歐比王的
10/16 23:05, 3F

10/16 23:05, , 4F
10/16 23:05, 4F

10/16 23:06, , 5F
10/16 23:06, 5F

10/16 23:07, , 6F
10/16 23:07, 6F

10/16 23:07, , 7F
10/16 23:07, 7F

10/16 23:07, , 8F
Dooku: Twice the pride, double the fall. (很輕蔑這樣)
10/16 23:07, 8F

10/16 23:09, , 9F
Palpatine: Powerrrrrrrr. Un-li-mi-ted powerrrrrrrrr.
10/16 23:09, 9F

10/16 23:16, , 10F
繼續加油 看能否累積到20句以上
10/16 23:16, 10F

10/16 23:18, , 11F
10/16 23:18, 11F

10/16 23:28, , 12F
怎麼都沒人提這個? I have a bad feeling about this.
10/16 23:28, 12F

10/16 23:29, , 13F
這是我印象最深的 還常被用在各大電影中 超經典阿!!!
10/16 23:29, 13F

10/16 23:33, , 14F
speaker include 安納金 歐比王
10/16 23:33, 14F

10/16 23:57, , 15F
yoda: if so powerful you are. why run?
10/16 23:57, 15F

10/16 23:58, , 16F
推rapnose dooku那句
10/16 23:58, 16F

10/17 00:03, , 17F
應是why leave吧 不過仍感激你
10/17 00:03, 17F

10/17 00:09, , 18F
我喜歡在Mustafar上歐比王說的 Until now, you have become
10/17 00:09, 18F

10/17 00:09, , 19F
Do...or do not, there is no try
10/17 00:09, 19F

10/17 00:09, , 20F
the very thing you swore to destory.
10/17 00:09, 20F

10/17 00:40, , 21F
Vader: Impressive, most impressive.
10/17 00:40, 21F

10/17 00:45, , 22F
10/17 00:45, 22F

10/17 00:46, , 23F
10/17 00:46, 23F

10/17 00:47, , 24F
10/17 00:47, 24F

10/17 00:50, , 25F
來一個俏皮的 what a piece of junk!
10/17 00:50, 25F

10/17 00:51, , 26F
來一個俏皮的 what a piece of junk!
10/17 00:51, 26F

10/17 00:54, , 27F
Yoda:Fear is the path to the dark side
10/17 00:54, 27F

10/17 00:56, , 28F
I have a bad feeling about this
10/17 00:56, 28F

10/17 01:02, , 29F
發現好多人都是會看完電影後自己做功課呢 感謝啦!
10/17 01:02, 29F

10/17 01:07, , 30F
I know <----現實中好用
10/17 01:07, 30F

10/17 01:10, , 31F
That's where the fun begins
10/17 01:10, 31F

10/17 01:18, , 32F
I know 是出自where??
10/17 01:18, 32F

10/17 01:25, , 33F
Leia:I love you. Han:I know.
10/17 01:25, 33F

10/17 01:33, , 34F
10/17 01:33, 34F

10/17 01:51, , 35F
10/17 01:51, 35F

10/17 01:52, , 36F
10/17 01:52, 36F

10/17 02:13, , 37F
Obi-Wan:Only a Sith deal with the absolute.
10/17 02:13, 37F

10/17 03:22, , 38F
Obi-Wan:I love you, Anakin!
10/17 03:22, 38F

10/17 03:31, , 39F
Anakin: I hate you!
10/17 03:31, 39F
還有 28 則推文
10/17 22:36, , 68F
又恕原po者無知 XD 樓上的出自where?
10/17 22:36, 68F

10/17 22:52, , 69F
第五集....你不是重看N遍了 = =?
10/17 22:52, 69F

10/18 03:38, , 70F
Review DVD, you need. XD
10/18 03:38, 70F

10/18 11:15, , 71F
Use the Force, ventress. XD
10/18 11:15, 71F

10/18 14:16, , 72F
3PO:Ar-two-dee-too, where are you going?
10/18 14:16, 72F

10/18 14:16, , 73F
10/18 14:16, 73F

10/18 15:39, , 74F
再來 一個: I suggest another strategy,R2.
10/18 15:39, 74F

10/18 15:40, , 75F
Let the wookie win. XD
10/18 15:40, 75F

10/18 17:48, , 76F
Vader最常講的:"Obi-Wan has taught you well.
10/18 17:48, 76F

10/19 02:17, , 77F
Darth Sidious:"My little green friend~"
10/19 02:17, 77F

10/19 02:38, , 78F
Yoda: At an end your rule is, and not short enough
10/19 02:38, 78F

10/19 02:39, , 79F
it was.
10/19 02:39, 79F

10/19 20:03, , 80F
Padme:(to Ani) Your love has made you blind then.
10/19 20:03, 80F

10/19 20:05, , 81F
個人覺得是 EP3 中對 Anakin 轉變的最好註解
10/19 20:05, 81F

10/19 23:47, , 82F
Almost there...almost there...
10/19 23:47, 82F

10/19 23:47, , 83F
10/19 23:47, 83F

10/20 00:47, , 84F
Anakin(Vader): Together we can rule the galaxy
10/20 00:47, 84F

10/21 21:09, , 85F
with father and son~!(補充)
10/21 21:09, 85F

10/22 11:07, , 86F
HAN:What an incredible smell youve discovered
10/22 11:07, 86F

10/22 18:04, , 87F
應該是 as father and son.
10/22 18:04, 87F

10/23 09:31, , 88F
I have a bad feeling about this
10/23 09:31, 88F

10/23 10:27, , 89F
Yoda: Size matters not.
10/23 10:27, 89F

10/23 20:45, , 90F
Palpatine: Good! Anaking! Good!
10/23 20:45, 90F

10/23 20:45, , 91F
Padme: Good~ Anaking~ Good~~~
10/23 20:45, 91F

10/24 12:04, , 92F
10/24 12:04, 92F

10/24 14:10, , 93F
You don't know the power of the dark side.
10/24 14:10, 93F

10/24 17:37, , 94F
Ever since I've known you, you've been playing with
10/24 17:37, 94F

10/24 17:37, , 95F
10/24 17:37, 95F

10/24 17:40, , 96F
you don't know the power of the dark side
10/24 17:40, 96F

10/25 09:55, , 97F
What a piece of junk!
10/25 09:55, 97F

10/25 14:37, , 98F
3PO: We're doomed
10/25 14:37, 98F

10/25 22:38, , 99F
Roger, roger
10/25 22:38, 99F

10/26 01:10, , 100F
R2? Can you hear me? R2?
10/26 01:10, 100F

10/26 12:21, , 101F
10/26 12:21, 101F

10/26 17:24, , 102F
3PO: Oh Dear...
10/26 17:24, 102F

10/28 13:54, , 103F
10/28 13:54, 103F

10/28 22:25, , 104F
I am your father.應該擺在樓樓樓上前面
10/28 22:25, 104F

10/29 23:38, , 105F
10/29 23:38, 105F

11/04 18:03, , 106F
So rude!
11/04 18:03, 106F

11/09 18:18, , 107F
So uncivilized
11/09 18:18, 107F
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