Re: [問題] EP3三個問題請教(杜庫/安納金/帕米)
: 推 riddlerkuo: (1)的問題很簡單,記得以前看過討論; 01/04 02:47
: → riddlerkuo: Dooku知道帕斐汀就是西帝。臨死前的表情是1.他和西帝 01/04 02:48
: → riddlerkuo: 原本的計劃是拉安納金入黑暗面,但他想不到自己變成 01/04 02:48
: → riddlerkuo: 祭品 2. 想不到西帝真的做得那麼絕 01/04 02:49
: → riddlerkuo: 至於就算當時Dooku掀帕斐汀的底,議長他也可以用這是 01/04 02:49
: → riddlerkuo: Sith胡說八道混過去。在那個時間點,Dooku自己也明白 01/04 02:50
: → riddlerkuo: 講什麼也沒用,所以只剩下那個表情,什麼也講不出來。 01/04 02:50
: → riddlerkuo: (1)問題很簡單,從電影版裡交待有關西斯的脈絡中就能 01/04 02:51
: → riddlerkuo: 合理化Dooku最後的表情。 01/04 02:51
: → riddlerkuo: 退萬步說,電影小說已經很清楚交待,Dooku知道西帝的 01/04 02:52
: → riddlerkuo: 身份。上面推文提到的,也是基於小說文字的描述。 01/04 02:52
: → riddlerkuo: Dooku出言抗議沒用,Palpatine當下都能凹過去, 01/04 02:53
: → riddlerkuo: 一切都是西斯的謊言,安納金快殺了他。結案。 01/04 02:54
: → riddlerkuo: 要看解釋這裡也有 01/04 02:55
: → riddlerkuo: 外國網友也是引電影小說的部份來說明 01/04 02:55
: → riddlerkuo: 第一篇回答就很清楚了。 01/04 02:56
: → BITMajo: Sith的本質是背叛,但Sidious和Dooku如果本來就計畫好 01/04 11:56
: → BITMajo: 要拉Anakin進黑暗面的話,如果Dooku清楚一師一徒制的話 01/04 11:56
: → BITMajo: 那Dooku既同意幫Sidious拉攏Anakin,又相信Sidious會留 01/04 11:57
: → BITMajo: 住他的性命,怎麼想都有點奇怪 01/04 11:58
: → BF109Pilot: 沒錯Darth Majius 以杜庫的立場 會變這樣下場實在很怪 01/04 12:08
The reason Dooku didn't reveal that when Skywalker fought him because
Sidious promised that he would survive (duh!). The high-level plan
(told to him by Sidious) would be that he, Dooku, would be "captured"
by Skywalker, and then would "discover" the true extent of Confederacy's
crimes... and be cleanly separated from it when Palpatine crushes CIS.
"It will be," he said slowly, meditatively, as though he spoke only
to himself, "an embarrassment to be captured by him."
[discussing Anakin]...
"It is... fatiguing, to play the villain for so long, Master. I find
myself looking forward to an honorable captivity." (src: same ROTS
novelization... this statement was followed by exposition of what
the post-capture plans were).
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Del Rey/April 2, 2006 ISBN: 0345428846
Space... the Final Frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.
Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds,
to seek out new life and new civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Picard: "Warp 9, Engage!!!"
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※ 編輯: riddlerkuo (, 01/04/2017 16:19:58
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