Re: GIBSON遭到調查

看板guitar (吉他)作者 (吉他家教招生中!!)時間15年前 (2009/11/20 18:18), 編輯推噓8(802)
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※ 引述《zerozer (家宅之人)》之銘言: : : GIBSON週二遭到突擊搜查 : 原因是涉嫌使用非法盜採的雨林木材 : 字太多了 有興趣的版友可以仔細瞧瞧 x__x 不負責翻譯。 隸屬美國魚類和野生生物保護局的聯邦幹員在週二午後突襲了G8森的吉他工廠,原因為 G8森疑似使用來自馬達加斯加的非法砍伐木材,以下是來自那什維爾的報導。 Federal agents from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service raided Gibson Guitar's factory Tuesday afternoon, due to concerns that the company had been using illegally harvested wood from Madagascar, reports the Nashville Post. G8森沒有一位員工在突襲行動中遭到逮捕,但是幹員扣留了幾箱吉他,木頭,電腦,及 檔案。魚類和野生生物保護局是根據「雷斯法案(請自行Google,總之是一個進口木材及 相關產品之檢察規定法案)」來採取行動的,而這個法案是用來規範美國一些需要取得自 然資源及製造產品的公司。 No one from the company was arrested during the raid but agents seized boxes of guitars, wood, computers, and boxes of files. The Fish and Wildlife Service took action under the Lacey Act, which holds U.S. companies to environmental laws in the countries from where they source plant and wildlife products. 馬達加斯加近幾個月來在「玫瑰木」及「黑檀木」遭到了盜伐,而這些木材正是G8森 被指控使用的(按:G8森應該有得罪誰吧?不是一堆吉他都有用到這兩項木材?雖然說 現在都是India Rosewood比較常見....李組長眉頭一皺,發現案情並不單純)。而這樣 子的非法動作是發生在馬達加斯加政變蘊釀發生之後的一段時間(這段不確定)。而非法 被運出的物品中還包含了被屠宰的即將絕種的狐猴(這也是G8森幹的嗎?他們要這個幹 嘛?做新生意嗎?)。 Madagascar's rainforests have been plundered in recent months for rosewood and ebony, the woods Gibson Guitar is accused of using. The illicit harvesting to hardwoods in Madagascar has occurred in the aftermath of a coup which disposed the island nation's president. Illegal logging has also been linked with the slaughter of endangered lemurs. 老美官方近來加強了海關的監控,以及對來自馬達加斯加的木頭產品的監視以求抓到 非法的交易。 U.S. authorities have recently intensified customs monitoring and inspection of wood products from Madagascar to stem illegal trade. 在2009年十月於馬達加斯加的短期灣被抓到的船隊,載運著非法採收的玫瑰木。 Boats carrying illegally harvested rosewood in Antongil Bay, Madagascar in October 2009. 玫瑰木在Maroantsetra, Madagascar的海岸被運上岸。G8森發佈了新聞稿來回應這樣 的一個突襲行動,G8森說:「我們100%與來自美國魚類和野生生物保護局的幹員合作 ,而這正是為了與砍伐木頭的一個議題做連結。」 Rosewood logs on a beach in Maroantsetra, Madagascar. Photos by Rhett A. Butler. Gibson Guitar responded to the raid with a press release, saying it is "fully cooperating with agents with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in connection with an issue involving harvested wood." 而G8森亦拿出了他們的董事長Henry Juszkiewicz當擋箭牌,「我們的董事長可是雨林 保護聯盟的成員耶!」這個聯盟是一個擔保其產品合法性的非政府組織。Juszkiewicz 禮拜二也說伴隨著這個調查,他將會從他的角色上缺席(不確定意思)。 The company noted that its chairman and CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, sits on the board of the Rainforest Alliance, an NGO that certifies products for their environmental credentials. Juszkiewicz announced Tuesday he is taking a leave of absence from his role in the wake of the investigation. 在一份聲明中,Juszkiewicz為自己對於木頭來源有多麼重視及負責拍胸脯掛保證,也 說G8森很努力的確使其木頭採購皆為合法的,而且也一直致力於增加經認證的木頭採購 來源的數量,這包括了通過森林監管會的木頭。而我們G8森呢將持續的配合我們偉大的 政府的調查,也將提供一切他們調查所需的資料。 In a statement Juszkiewicz said he "takes the issue of responsible wood sourcing very seriously. Gibson Guitar makes every effort to ensure that all its wood purchases are legal and is also working to increase the amount of wood purchased from certified sources, including FSC-certified wood. The company will continue to cooperate fully and assist our federal government with all inquiries and information." -- 我熱愛彈吉他解悶。 我喜歡拿單眼拍照。 我享受騎公路車奔馳。 自從嘗試過將這三樣我愛的東西搞在一起後我就發現: 『這三樣東西怎麼也不能湊在一起』 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/20 18:31, , 1F
11/20 18:31, 1F

11/20 18:32, , 2F
板大辛苦了 他們不會拿狐猴骨來做下弦枕吧(大驚
11/20 18:32, 2F

11/20 18:37, , 3F
11/20 18:37, 3F

11/20 18:38, , 4F
好強喔! 我說翻譯!沒耐心看一大篇英文的文章...
11/20 18:38, 4F

11/20 20:46, , 5F
狐猴那段好好笑XDD G8森要狐猴幹麻XD
11/20 20:46, 5F

11/20 21:49, , 6F
11/20 21:49, 6F

11/20 21:57, , 7F
11/20 21:57, 7F

11/20 23:32, , 8F
11/20 23:32, 8F

11/21 14:50, , 9F
11/21 14:50, 9F

11/21 18:38, , 10F
11/21 18:38, 10F
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